December 2023: Advancing Our Understanding!

DECEMBER 2023 - Advancing Our Understanding

Dear DADA2 Community,

This may well be the most intellectually stimulating, time consuming, and absolutely fascinating newsletter we may ever send – that is, until the physicians and researchers meet again in 2025 for the 5th International Conference on DADA2.

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November 2023: DADA2 Conference Recap

November DADA2 Conference Recap

Dear DADA2 Community,

What happens when you get nearly 100 scientists and clinicians in a room for 36 hours to share their latest findings and questions on DADA2?

Well, you get 30+ talks updating on the science and clinical news. You get 10+ posters that generate hours of discussion among scientists and doctors alike. You get side conversations and pages of notes and agreements to follow up, join efforts, and continue to pursue treatments and a cure.

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