What is DADA2?
DADA2 - or Deficiency of Adenosine Deaminase 2 - is a rare, autosomal recessive genetic disease that leads to excessive inflammation in several areas of the body, immunodeficiency, and bone marrow failure.
In many cases, this inflammation can lead to mild and chronic symptoms like fevers and rash that mimic other diseases, making it difficult to diagnose. In more severe cases and acute episodes, DADA2 causes vasculitis resulting in debilitating or deadly strokes, immunodeficiency, and even bone marrow failure.
We invite you to get to know DADA2 with this overview video (below) and by visiting the "What is DADA2" page.
Get to Know DADA2 and How We Collaborate
Learn more about what DADA2 is and how it affects patients, and check out a recap from our latest international conference, held in October 2023.

Physicians & Researchers Engaged in Discovery

Patients Known Today
More than 35,000 Undiagnosed

Papers & Abstracts Published in World-Renowned Journals

Countries & Institutions Home to Physicians, Researchers & Patients
With You in the Journey
Whether you have just been diagnosed or have navigated living with DADA2 for years, you are on a journey – and we want to be a resource alongside you. We are here with the next steps to help navigate your care with your doctor, your feelings of relief or fear, and your everyday life. As the DADA2 Community, we don’t want you to feel alone.
You Play a Role in the Cure
We believe that everyone plays a role in the quest for a cure.
From contributing to the Patient Registry, to sharing your story, to fundraising and so much more, it will take the efforts and encouragement of everyone whose life is touched by DADA2 to find a cure. Get connected with different ways to contribute to a cure.
The 2023 Conference
A focused group of DADA2 physicians and researchers from around the world met in 2023 to take a deep dive into the most foundational scientific elements of the ADA2 protein and its function. As a global community, we believe this is the next best step we can take to find treatments for DADA2.
Join the Patient Registry
Your experiences matter to research on DADA2. Learn more about the DADA2 Patient Registry & Natural History Study so that, when it's ready, you can report your symptoms, care, and successes.
Meet Patients Like You
Meet the DADA2 patients, just like the nearly 600 diagnosed around the world, who are featured throughout our website.
Kelsey, 13
The DADA2 Foundation Community is hope - hope for a cure and a better future for our family.
Turchetti Family
Finding the DADA2 Foundation brought immense relief. We joined a supportive community sharing our concerns and a dedicated medical community pursuing treatments and a cure.
Anna Maria, 25
Alone we are rare, together we are strong. To fight rare genetic diseases, one must be there wholeheartedly.
Andy, 31
I am grateful to have the DADA2 Foundation, and to know there are others out there like me.
The Smit Family
South Africa
Being the only diagnosed DADA 2 patient in South Africa was pretty scary, until the DADA2 Foundation took me under their wings with caring guidance and support.

Finding Purpose in the Journey: The DADA2 Foundation History
The DADA2 Foundation began when one family’s 10+ year journey finally found an answer in two published papers on a new disease, studied by two different groups around the globe. Since that day in 2014, the DADA2 Foundation has been the go-to resource for physicians, researchers, patients and families looking to collaborate and learn more about the disease.
Stay in the Know
Everyday, physicians, researchers, and patients are asking questions to better understand DADA2. Keep up to date on what we're learning throughout the DADA2 Community.
Scientific research is the bedrock of our understanding of DADA2. View the findings of DADA2 researchers here.