AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2024 – Zebrafish, Lemonade and You

August - September - Zebrafish, Lemonade and You

The heat of Nashville’s summer has given way to the cooler temperatures of fall. Fall is always a time for me to reflect on where we have been and start thinking about where we are going. When I started the Foundation, it was with one goal in mind: to find a cure. The Foundation has successfully built an engaged network of patients, families, physicians and researchers, pushing our understanding of the disease forward in leaps and bounds. What do we need now? To be blunt, money. We will need to raise money – big and small amounts – to reach our goal.

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JULY 2024: The power of a Network

newsletter july 2024

The communities we build around us are powerful. This month, we’re sharing stories about how we’ve come together as a community to make life better for patients through research, as well as quick and thorough clinical care. I would also love to hear your thoughts on what we should highlight in future newsletters or on social media that furthers our mission to convene, collaborate and communicate to find a cure.

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JUNE 2024: Patient Quality of Life Survey, Heaps of Activity

june newsletter

Take a look at the sheer volume of effort displayed this month to cure DADA2. There are talks given around the world every month and multiple monthly publications in journals that are widely read and respected. To each of you who is taking the time to invest in the research, presenting, and publishing, thank you!

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MAY 2024: Telling the DADA2 Story

When is the last time you told your DADA2 story to someone new? Maybe it was your diagnosis story to a new friend, or your career path to the lab work that is focused on DADA2? We all have a story to tell.

This month, we told our story far and wide, to the greatest leaders and to our everyday communities. Dr. Pui Lee traveled to Tunisia in East Africa this month to share about DADA2 with a large Pediatric Rheumatology Congress.

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APRIL 2024: Collaboration is Key

dada2 newsletter april

I’ll keep my intro this month short and sweet: Collaboration is Key. Below are a number of updates that illustrate this long known truth that we know changes lives.

In particular, I want to emphasize the incredibly important role that physicians play in collaboration today and especially in the future. It is YOUR interactions with patients that will help fuel the next wave of discovery for DADA2.

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January 2024: Cheers to New Beginnings!

JANUARY Cheers to New Beginnings

Dear DADA2 Community, Welcome to this new year! As I mentioned at the end of last year, 2024 will be momentous. We have so much in the works that we are excited to share in due time. For now, I want to say thank you to every one of you who donated to the DADA2…

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December 2023: Advancing Our Understanding!

DECEMBER 2023 - Advancing Our Understanding

Dear DADA2 Community,

This may well be the most intellectually stimulating, time consuming, and absolutely fascinating newsletter we may ever send – that is, until the physicians and researchers meet again in 2025 for the 5th International Conference on DADA2.

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November 2023: DADA2 Conference Recap

November DADA2 Conference Recap

Dear DADA2 Community,

What happens when you get nearly 100 scientists and clinicians in a room for 36 hours to share their latest findings and questions on DADA2?

Well, you get 30+ talks updating on the science and clinical news. You get 10+ posters that generate hours of discussion among scientists and doctors alike. You get side conversations and pages of notes and agreements to follow up, join efforts, and continue to pursue treatments and a cure.

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